Inviting the Public

The primary focus of any exhibition is showing work to or interacting with the public. For an exhibition to be successful the following things need to be taken into consideration.
  •  The Invitation should clearly indicate the address / opening times / contact details. It is also important to think carefully about how far in advance invitations/flyers/emails should be sent out - too far in advance and the event may be forgotten, too late and those invited may have prior engagements. 
  • Press Release should be concise & interesting - it is worthwhile here to contact a well known writer for maximum coverage.
  • Create a suitable and seductive image for the press. The image needs to be striking and memorable, it is important that the image relates well to the theme of the exhibition and explains clearly what to expect at the exhibition.
  • Consider: Who is the audience and what is the aim? 
  • Begin collecting addresses now, build a database . Collect contact details and forge relationships with other artists / curators / writers / collectors. Borrow contact lists from other artists and attempt to take some information / email addresses from galleries mail lists.
  • Invite established artists to participate in the exhibition. More artists will ultimately result in more people.
  • Produce Flyers / Posters / Emails, go to exhibition openings and hand out flyers.
  • Consider the benefits of Printed invitations versus Paperless invites and mail out costs versus email.

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